What’s up with the Negative Energy called fear?

One of the most exciting interactions we can have is with a person who is full of positive energy.

Positive energy has a higher vibration and holds more light. Happily, if we emit a high vibration, we attract and resonate with other high vibrational beings.  So the more elevated our vibration, the more light we hold. Science can measure the brain and body state as energetic beings based on our thoughts and feelings.  Our positive energy emotions, like happiness, hold higher frequencies.  .  We can program our mind to vibrationally align with uplifting, positive thoughts.  It becomes our “Vibe”– our Signature.  As we become more comfortable with our many emotions, we learn to love ourselves. As we begin to accept ourselves and engage in the ‘practice’ of self-love, we become that person who emits light and positive energy. 

Why would we want to dwell in the valley of negative energy when the vistas from the mountains of positive energy beckon us to a higher plane? Do we want to feel happy? Think happy thoughts. Do the things that make you happy. Feel it, and let it go if we begin to feel negative emotions! Do not re-live sad or painful experiences.

The truth is, our emotions are in a constant state of flux or change.  Thankfully, we can increase our awareness and emotional intelligence. As we come to understand, accept, and love ourselves, we take action to become more focused, relaxed, happy, confident, and enthusiastic.  How do we do that?  Through Daily Practice!  Reframe our thoughts to be positive.  We can use the Vibeonix App to record our voices saying positive affirmations. Record thoughts of gratitude or any positive energy emotions we are experiencing.  Then believe what you are saying in those recordings!  Let our daily practice become our emotional habit for well-being.

After talking about all the exciting possibilities for becoming emitters of light and positive energy, we still have to navigate our way through what our Assessment may say we are experiencing as some type of fear.  Fear may be one of the Low Energy Emotions we are supposed to work through.  Some types of fear are: 

1. Fear of losing our identity.

We lose our sense of self and seek our sense of self-worth from others. We care deeply about how others view us. Our whole sense of value depends on external factors such as physical appearance, status, money, or fame. Our emotional well-being depends on how we feel about ourselves. We need to find love for what we already are.

*Some of our well-known Hollywood actors fall victim to this way of thinking as their self-worth depends on maintaining their youthful good looks, Palatial Homes, or constant approval and recognition by fans.

2. Fear of Separation

We have feelings of being abandoned or having unmet needs in a relationship.  More common in children, this fear can be carried over into adulthood. Manage this fear by facing it and realizing you can take care of yourself physically and emotionally. We can be independent.  Accept yourself and the fear with compassion.  Some tips for managing this fear are:

      • Keep Busy
      • Recognize our emotional barometer may be overly sensitive and be picking up false positives
      • Stop asking for reassurance
      • Reframe our thoughts as “Positive”!
      • Keep a Journal (written and vocal)  

A Personal example of this fear is when I went to the land of Israel with a large tour group.  Early one morning, our group began walking toward St. Stephens Gate in the old City of Jerusalem. I paused to look at something and suddenly found myself alone, abandoned by the group.  They were neither ahead of me nor anywhere to be seen.  I was in a strange country and inherently handicapped with no sense of direction. I stood there for a few moments, wondering what to do when an older car driven by an Arab man drove up next to me.  He honked, waving for me to get in.  Without thinking, I ran and jumped into his back seat, full of fresh tomatoes, onions, and potatoes.  He said he was on his way to his restaurant near the Mount of Olives but would drop me off at St. Stephens Gate.  Once he stopped, I tried to jump out of the car, but the door handle fell off!  I couldn’t get out.   He explained some methods of opening the door.  I thanked him profusely and jumped out.  It didn’t occur to me until later that he was probably being an informal taxi and expected payment.  In my naiveté, I thought he was just being nice. I was not practicing awareness or being thoughtful of my physical safety or even of his monetary needs. My fear of separation impacted my decision-making, leaving me susceptible to physical harm, intense emotion, and impulsive reactions. 

3. Fear of loss of autonomy

All humans fear loss, especially autonomy and identity.  Autonomy is freedom from external controls or influence; independence. The fear is of being helpless, overwhelmed, restricted, or trapped.  We may think we are being controlled by circumstances or situations that are powerless and helpless to act.  When we are afraid, we can use fear as a tool to move through our comfort zone to the next level.  We need to be optimistic about what we can control—ourselves, not what we cannot—other people.  And we can control how we respond to every situation.  

An example comes from PsychCentral.  “People who control their lives and destinies are happier and more successful. Rather than feeling like a victim of others or fate, they are motivated from within and believe that their efforts generate results, for better or worse. Both belief and experience enable them to function autonomously.” Your behavior reflects your choice. Actions are determined by beliefs, needs, and values, which, in turn, give you more control over thoughts and emotions.   We strive for a feeling of both separateness and wholeness– separate when in a relationship and complete when on your own. “Actually, autonomy allows you to listen to someone non-defensively and modify your views to incorporate new information.”  When lacking autonomy, we are more controlled by what others think and feel.  We worry about someone else’s expectations, deferring to their opinion.  It may be helpful to remember that we thrive when we are self-governing and can act on our values and interests.

4. Fear of Failure

If we are afraid to fail, we may respond by giving up before beginning. We want to avoid even the possibility of not succeeding.  A young woman prepared herself for months to try out for the TV show, “The Voice.”  Her fears overcame her, and she could not even go on stage.  Giving ourselves permission to fail and understanding why we fear is essential in overcoming it.   If we try and don’t get something right the first time, we may feel down and critical of ourselves. Not one person is perfect.  We all make mistakes.  Respond by being positive and asking ourselves what we learned from the experience; then try again. We can respond with humor and optimism taking a lesson from Andy Grammer’s song:  “Don’t Give up on Me.” Think of your inner voice talking to YOU:

“I will fight,   I will fight for you,    I always do until my heart is black and blue….

Cause I’m not givin’ up,  I’m not givin’ up,  givin’ up, no, not yet

Even when I’m down to my last breath,   Even when they say there’s nothin’ left

So don’t give up. I’m not giving up. I’m not givin’ up, givin’ up, no, not me

Even when nobody else believes,   I’m not goin’ down that easily

So don’t give up on me.”

5. Fear of Physical Harm

We may fear being physically hurt by another person, causing us to live with a high-stress level.  We should talk to a trusted friend or a Professional about our fears.  It is essential to build a sense of safety, even a physical space where we feel calm and safe.  Manage the fear as you work through conflicting emotions.  If we fear mental harm, we experience emotions of distrust and not being supported in the relationship. A person may withdraw from family and friends, creating unhealthy isolation.

There is also fear of being hurt while doing everyday daily activities:  physical sports,  home maintenance,  becoming a victim of crime,  a traffic accident, or a host of other situations where we may be reacting in such a way as to have a traumatic impact on daily living and productivity.

Some great practical suggestions are to limit what we are watching on Television or see on Social Media.  Check our self-talk, realizing how we talk to ourselves about anxiety matters.  Our physical wellness can have an impact on our emotional health.  It is so important that we take care of our bodies! 

The 5 key emotional management skills to manage our negative energy emotions

  1. Self Awareness – You are NOT your emotion (fear).  Observe our emotional reactions to situations and improve our responses
  2. Reflection – Know the cause of our feelings and why we had a specific emotional reaction, then separate it from the situation.
  3. Acceptance – Accept our emotions (fears) without assigning value to them. Accept them, recover, and focus on the next task.
  4. Perspective – Place our emotions (fears) into context. Work on healthy responses to situations.
  5. Empathy – Try relating to others’ feelings (fears) using our own experiences.

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