Game-changer for Women Leaders

Women leaders

Did you know that emotional intelligence can be a total game-changer for women leaders? Here are four reasons why I believe it’s our secret weapon: 1. Permission to be emotionally intelligent: We women have the advantage of being encouraged to be empathetic and express our emotions from a young age. Society gives us the green… Continue reading Game-changer for Women Leaders

Emotionally Intelligent People Use 5 Simple Rules to Make More Friends and Build Stronger Relationships

To make true friends, you have to be a friend. Emotional intelligence can help. By: Justin Bariso How do I make more friends? In a world where the word friend is associated by most people with superficial relationships formed on social media, true friendship is hard to come by. True friends are those who are there for… Continue reading Emotionally Intelligent People Use 5 Simple Rules to Make More Friends and Build Stronger Relationships

10 Emotional Management Strategies

Manage Stress

“Emotional Intelligence is the ability to monitor one’s feelings and emotions, to discriminate among them and to use this information to guide one’s thinking and action.”  – Salovey & Mayer – Emotional Management Tool Kit Despite good intentions, we often resort to less effective and sustainable tactics to manage emotional experiences. These may include blocking… Continue reading 10 Emotional Management Strategies

Are mental health and emotional health the same?


When we strive to live a healthy life, we think mostly of losing weight, being more active, or eating healthy.  While these things will contribute to our overall well-being, they might not deal with some of the issues we prefer to neglect- emotional and mental health. You might find yourself wondering why these two aspects of… Continue reading Are mental health and emotional health the same?

What’s up with the Negative Energy called fear?


One of the most exciting interactions we can have is with a person who is full of positive energy. Positive energy has a higher vibration and holds more light. Happily, if we emit a high vibration, we attract and resonate with other high vibrational beings.  So the more elevated our vibration, the more light we… Continue reading What’s up with the Negative Energy called fear?

Learning about Emotion


Learning your “Emotion Scores” Emotions are constantly in flux between flow and resistance states.  When we say “emotional score,” we mean the overall levels of your emotional state. Practicing Emotional intelligence helps with understanding those states and managing yourself. With high emotional intelligence, you can switch your default emotional state to the one you desire… Continue reading Learning about Emotion

Your Emotional Guidance System

Balance Emotions

Energy is frequency. All frequencies carry information. Thoughts are the language of the brain. Feelings are the language of the body. How you think and how you feel creates your state of being. Emotions are telling. Positive energy emotions bring with them the truth; negative energy emotions bring the non-truth. Emotional patterns of the past… Continue reading Your Emotional Guidance System

Facing our Fears

There are so many of us who are living in fear.  America’s top fears coming into 2022  were Democracy/Government corruption, Loved ones dying, a Major epidemic, and Jobs/Economic/ Financial collapse. These are fears of what is in store for the world.  On a personal basis, we often fear being criticized, fear of failure, living in… Continue reading Facing our Fears

What is Emotional Intelligence? A mini Take

Emotional intelligence is a fairly new term in the psychological and mental wellness space, with its inception only beginning in 1990. Though it may seem like an informal term exchanged within the mental wellness community, it’s actually an extensively studied topic in research. Since its recent inception at Yale, EI’s definition has been expanded and… Continue reading What is Emotional Intelligence? A mini Take

Awareness gives back your power

A story about awareness: This simple truth While boating on the lake one day, it became extremely windy. Windy enough that it was becoming difficult to control the boat. We decided to call it a day, head into the dock, and go home. When we arrived at the dock, another boat was getting ready to… Continue reading Awareness gives back your power